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People of any political ideology can work with the President: Abdul Raheem

Mariyath Mohamed
27 February 2024, MVT 14:08
Mariyath Mohamed
27 February 2024, MVT 14:08

Special Advisor to the President Abdul Raheem Abdulla has said that all individuals have the opportunity to work with the President, regardless of their political leanings or ideology.

Speaking in the meeting with Haa Dhaalu Kulhudhuhfushi residents, Abdul Raheem said that the President is meeting with councilors in all the islands he is visiting now with no regard to which party they may belong to or where they may stand on the political spectrum.

"In this, he does not consider whether they are from MDP, or Democrats, or JP, or PPM," he said.

"He gives them the opportunity to say all they want. And when they stop, he asks them if there is anything more they want to share. He gives them that much space in the work. This is why I say that President Dr Muizzu is here in the spirits of serving the nation," Abdul Raheem said.

Abdul Raheem said that the President prioritizes thinking that will bring development and advancement to the nation. He said that this is done with the intention of assuring a bright future for the youth of today.

He called on Maldivians to set aside political differences and focus on a national ideology in order to ensure a brighter future for all.

Abdul Raheem further asserted that President Dr Muizzu remains strong on his vow that during his administration, it is the Maldivians who will have a say on the country's affairs, and the nation will stay free of external influences.