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Applications open for "Alimagu Quran Challenge"

Mariyath Mohamed
21 February 2024, MVT 07:21
Man and child reciting Quran in Jalaluddeen Mosque.-- Photo: Fayaz Moosa / Mihaaru
Mariyath Mohamed
21 February 2024, MVT 07:21

Applications are open to participate in the "Alimagu Quran Challenge" planned to be held during the upcoming month of Ramadan.

The challenge is open for students of all grades from nursery to Grade 12 in all schools countrywide and will be split into 16 age categories.

The program also includes some hadith included in the Islam subject in the syllabus of Grades 1 to 10. Each age group has a specified area of study from among these lessons. These are:

- short surahs of the Quran, verses concerning salat, verses concerning obedience to parents, verses concerning patience and resilience, duas in the Quran and their meanings

- some components of Tajweed, questions about the Quran, ordering the surahs by name

- connecting the Surahs through their names and first verses

"Alimagu Quran Challenge" has been held annually since 2014, and is organized by a private entity. Every year, participation has been observed to increase, with last year seeing a total of 795 participants.

Like previous years, there is no participation fee, and participants can apply regardless of geographical location.

While there is a total of MVR 118,500 offered in prizes, three top point scorers in each age category will be offered a prize.

1. The top 3 scorers in the youngest age category wins MVR 1000 each

2. The top 3 scorers in the oldest age category gets MVR 5000 each

To register, applicants may use the Alimagu mobile application or their website https://quiz.alimagu.com. Candidates can only find training materials for the competition through these mediums.

Once registered, and account is verified, applicants will be able to see a PDF of the relevant information that they are expected to study for the competition.

For additional information regarding the competition, interested applicants may message 7798620 via viber.

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