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RasMale' will show revolutionary development: President

President Dr Muizzu stated that RasMale' will be an island noted for sustainable development and innovative, modern development.

Mariyath Mohamed
13 February 2024, MVT 20:15
President Dr Mohamed Muizzu speaks at the Invest Maldives Forum in Dubai.-- Photo: Mihaaru
Mariyath Mohamed
13 February 2024, MVT 20:15

President Dr Mohamed Muizzu has said that RasMale' will be built as a revolutionary project that will show modern development.

Speakint at the Invest Maldives Forum currently ongoing in Dubai, the President siad that it is one of the key aims of this administration to find a solution to the housing difficulties faced by Maldivians. He said that the Rasmale' housing project initiated as a solution to this will be developed as a sustainable, eco-friendly island.

Crown Company Founder Ahmed Nazeer attending the Invest Maldives Forum in Dubai.-- Photo: Mihaaru

He affirmed that RasMale' will be an island noted for sustainable development and innovative, modern development.

The President said that in addition to housing, a special focus will be given to broadening the financial services sector of the Maldives as well.

"We have established the Maldives International Financial Services Authority. We formed that authority to compile the laws and regulations necessary to provide offshore and onshore financial services," the President explained.

President Dr Muizzu and Economic Minister Saeed at the Invest Maldives Forum in Dubai.-- Photo: Mihaaru

President Dr Muizzu further highlighted that priority is being given to economic and social projects. He said that a Central Maritime Port is being being established to achieve this, and a 'free zone' will be established for economic activities.

About 280 individuals are participating in the ongoing Invest Maldives Forum.

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