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Elections Commission receives 13,000 reregistration requests

Elections Commission has announced that it received a total of about 13,000 forms for reregistration. The commission also stated that ballot boxes will be placed in two countries abroad.

Mariyath Mohamed
09 February 2024, MVT 13:55
In a previous election, an EC official marks the finger of a voter indicating vote has been cast..-- Photo: Mihaaru
Mariyath Mohamed
09 February 2024, MVT 13:55

The Elections Commission (EC) announced that it has received 13,378 reregistration request forms.

EC Vice President said that by the time the reregistration deadline arrived after a period of seven days, the commission received a total of 13,378 forms. Out of these, the commission has decided to reject 1,459 forms.

As a result, 11,919 persons have been reregistered to vote in locations of their preference.

For this elections, voters only need to reregister if the locations they voted in during last September's presidential elections have changed.

The EC further said that as per what they have received, they have the numbers to justify placing vote boxes in two other countries.

The commission has decided to place vote boxes in foreign countries if they receive a minimum of 150 requests to vote in said locations.

Habeeb said that when the reregistration window closed, they have only received enough requests to set up vote centers in Malaysia and Sri Lanka.

As of now, the parliamentary elections are scheduled to be held on March 17. However, if the amendment proposed in parliament gets approved, the date will be postponed.

Habeeb stated that if the election needs to be postponed, the commission will allow for reregistration again.

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