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Will put a stop to foreigner-run illegal businesses: Saeed

The Economic Ministry, in collaboration with other relevant institutions, are working to identify and take action against illegal immigrants and against businesses being run by foreigners against existing laws.

Mariyath Mohamed
26 January 2024, MVT 14:19
ahaa cabinet ministers meeting mohamed saeed
Mariyath Mohamed
26 January 2024, MVT 14:19

Minister of Economic Development and Trade Mohamed Saeed has stated that efforts are in progress now in collaboration with Maldives Police Service to identify illegal businesses being run by foreigners in Maldives.

Speaking at the 'Ahaa' public forum held at the Sultan Park last night, where the public is given the opportunity to question cabinet ministers on government work, Saeed said that the issue of foreigners conducting businesses in the country against the laws has come to the ministry's notice, prompting them to commence work to identify and address the issue.

He revealed that the ministry has requested the police to identify businesses being run without the required permits, and to report them to the ministry.

He confirmed that no foreigners are allowed to lead small businesses in the country, stating that due action will be taken against anyone found to be doing so.

The Minister said that the authorities are facing difficulties in identifying such businesses as, when inspections are done, it is often seen that the businesses are registered under the name of a local even though the entire practice is, in practice, managed by foreigners.

Saeed also said that work is being done in collaboration with the Local Governance Ministry to compile a register of immigrants living in the islands besides the capital, and in the process, to identify illegal immigrants.