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First Lady advocates female inclusion in policymaking

Mohamed Rehan
07 December 2023, MVT 10:15
First Lady Sajidha Mohamed speaks at the inauguration of the Gender Data Use in Policy Making Validation and Advocacy Workshop-- Photo: President's Office
Mohamed Rehan
07 December 2023, MVT 10:15

First Lady Sajidha Mohamed has said that incorporating gender-specific data into the process of policymaking is "not merely a choice but rather an imperative necessity".

She made the remarks at the function held on Wednesday morning, December 6, to mark the start of the Gender Data Use in Policy Making Validation and Advocacy Workshop.

Speaking at the inauguration of the workshop, the First Lady stressed on the workshop's opportune timing in forming new policies guided by comprehensive analysis of available data.

She also added the new government, led by President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu remains dedicated in aligning the country's development with the desires of the public. She further encouraged stakeholders to consider these aspirations when forming new policies, regulations, and laws.

The First Lady further affirmed that the government is not only committed to gender equality but also aims to enhance women's involvement in all aspects of national development. She noted that boosting women's economic contribution and participation in political and public life are among the key focus areas for the new administration.

The workshop launched on Wednesday focused on validating the provisional findings of "The role of gender data in policymaking in the Maldives", a study conducted by the Maldives Bureau of Statistics (MBS) and the Ministry of Social and Family Development (MoSFD) in collaboration with the Partnership of Statistics for Development in the 21st Century (PARIS21).

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