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Police find weapons set for attack in Addu City assault case

Mohamed Rehan
07 December 2023, MVT 13:18
Officers active in Addu City for the recently launched special operations led by Addu Police Station-- Photo: Police
Mohamed Rehan
07 December 2023, MVT 13:18

Police reported discovering and confiscating several weapons prepared for a potential attack in Addu City.

Police initiated a crackdown in the city following gang-related violence that broke out last Friday, resulting in two injuries.

Addu Police Station, through its Facebook page, reported the commencement of a joint special operation led by them in collaboration with the Serious Crime Cell of South Police Division and the Specialist Operations.

Police have confirmed the arrest of 10 individuals as part of their crackdown, with some held in remand until their trials conclude, while others have been given remand extensions.

The law enforcement authority further notified of discovering several weapons prepared for a possible attack.

The violence apparently broke out after one gang drew graffiti over another gang's graffiti. Tensions between the two gangs escalated, leading to the altercation on Friday.

A second attack was reported on Sunday this week, which authorities believe was a retaliation for Friday's initial attack.

Of the two injured individuals, the condition of the first victim deteriorated, prompting their transfer to Malé City for further treatment.

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