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Man sentenced to 12 years in prison for killing own brother

16 September 2023, MVT 17:42
Mavaaz: He confessed to attacking and killing his own brother.
16 September 2023, MVT 17:42

Hussain Mavaaz from Seenu atoll Maradhoo Feydhoo Blue Star has been sentenced to 12 years in prison by the Criminal Court, for attacking and killing his brother in Addu City.

When the state prosecuted Mavaaz, charging him with assaulting and killing his brother with a knife, Mavaaz pleaded guilty and said that he wished to repent. With his confession, the trial was conducted as an expedited proceeding.

During the court hearing, Judge Adam Mohamed declared Mavaaz's confession as valid and genuine, and he found Mavaaz guilty of the accused crime beyond reasonable doubt.

According to the plea agreement reached between Mavaaz and the State, a sentence of 12 years and 6 months in prison was agreed upon. The court accepted the agreement and sentenced Mavaaz accordingly.

The court also ordered Mavaaz to fast for 60 consecutive days as expiation [Kaffara].

During the trial, Mavaaz was in tears as he recounted the details of how he attacked and killed his brother. He said that the killing had occurred while he was in a drugged and angry state. Mavaaz and his brother both had prior records of drug abuse and assault.

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