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No confidence motion against Deputy Speaker Eva Abdulla submitted in parliament

Malika Shahid
23 May 2023, MVT 12:59
Deputy Speaker takes a photo on her phone after submitting forms to the Election Commission for permission to form a party under the name of "The Democrats" -- Photo: Fayaaz Moosa
Malika Shahid
23 May 2023, MVT 12:59

A no confidence motion against Deputy Speaker Eva Abdulla has been submitted to the parliament with the signature of 50 Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) MPs today.

MDP decided to remove Eva from her position as Deputy Speaker of Parliament following her departure from the party and her involvement in forming a new political party called "The Democrats."

According to the Constitution, a majority vote of 44 MPs out of the total 87 MPs is required to remove Eva from her post. MDP currently has 55 members in pariament, as announced during the parliamentary session yesterday.

Eva has previously said that she is not interested in remaining with the MDP to defend her position as Deputy Speaker of Parliament, citing the party's original foundations and principles have been compromised.

She said that she has no intention of resigning from her position despite the no-confidence motion filed against her by MDP.

The opposition has filed a no-confidence motion against Attorney General Ibrahim Riffath and Minister of Foreign Affairs Abdulla Shahid, in relation to the Chagos issue. The motion has been signed by 13 members of parliament.

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