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Big Fish Maldives Launches Ultra-Low Temperature Frozen Fish

Anaan Bushry
27 April 2023, MVT 16:07
Fish frozen as minus 60 degrees can be used as "fresh" fish -- Photo: Big Fish
Anaan Bushry
27 April 2023, MVT 16:07

Big Fish Maldives, one of the largest fish processing companies in Maldives, has introduced a new product of ultra-low temperature (ULT) frozen fish that "will set a new benchmark in terms of quality and environmentally friendly standards," according to Managing Director Ahmed Lateef.

The company launched the product at the Seafood Expo in Barcelona.

Highlighting the product's unique feature, Latheef said that the most special thing about the product is that the fish is frozen at minus 60 degrees Celsius.

Lateef explained that previously, fish that could not be air-freighted as "fresh" had to be frozen at minus 20 degrees Celsius, which resulted in a significant drop in price due to changes in the quality and texture of the fish. However, with meat kept at minus 60 degrees Celsius, it can be used as the freshest quality fish after defreezing, he said.

A special freezing facility is now being prepared to freeze tuna at minus 60 degrees -- Photo: Big Fish

Latheef said that a special freezing facility is now being prepared and the product will be available in the market in August.

"The product is kept fresh for a long time because it can freeze to minus 60 degrees at a very fast speed," Lateef said, adding that this allows the company to purchase fish from fishermen at a good price even during the off-season.

Big Fish Maldives believes that the fish kept at minus 60 degrees Celsius will "revolutionize the seafood industry" by offering superior quality and environmental-friendly standards.

Big Fish plans to sell the super-frozen fish to EU countries and the UK. The company mainly exports Tuna products.

"By freezing fish at minus 60 degrees Celsius, good quality fish can be sold in the overseas market at about 150 percent higher price than the previously frozen fish at 20 degrees Celsius," Lateef said.

This groundbreaking new product is expected to generate significant demand among seafood consumers worldwide, and could transform the industry by setting a new standard for quality and sustainability.

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