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Authorities confiscate drugs from cargo ship

Mohamed Rehan
11 June 2022, MVT 12:03
A previously held conference by Maldives Police Service to provide information about drug trafficking into the Maldives--
Mohamed Rehan
11 June 2022, MVT 12:03

Local authorities have confiscated large numbers of illicit drugs from a cargo container.

Authorities reported that the narcotic content were discovered during an inspection of the cargo from a recently docked cargo vessel - the vessel had traveled from India.

Meanwhile, Maldives Customs Service along with Maldives Police Service are continuing with their inspection of the container in question.

Though authorities have not revealed exact number or nature of the substances, they claim that the cargo container held several packages of narcotic substances.

While police had commented on its operation, Maldives Customs Service had not given any official comments regarding the matter.

Customs had revealed that it recently apprehended a drug mule attempting to smuggle 852 grams of heroin, noting on the authority's continued crackdown on drug smuggling.

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