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India ends mandatory quarantine for travellers

Lamya Abdulla
12 February 2022, MVT 14:28
(FILE) Tourists in Velena International Airport on December 21, 2021: mandatory quarantine of seven days was announced in India in January to curb the spread of the Omicron variant -- Photo: Nishan Ali / Mihaaru
Lamya Abdulla
12 February 2022, MVT 14:28

India has cancelled mandatory quarantine to incoming visitors to the country.

In a guideline released by the Indian government on Thursday, the mandatory quarantine of seven days that all incoming visitors to India was cancelled. The mandatory quarantine was announced in January in order to control the Omicron variant from spreading.

However, if foreign travellers show symptoms of Covid-19, they will be required to quarantine for 14 days.

This change will go into effect on Monday, February 14. India’s Health Ministry has said they will continue to monitor the changes that happen after cancelling the mandatory quarantine.

As per the new policy, all entering India are required to fill out a self declaration form online. Documents have to submitted showing they have received two doses of the Covid-19 vaccine in addition to a PCR test showing a negative result within 72 hours after entering India as well.

The Omicron variant lead to an increase in Covid-19 cases in India with over 350,000 daily recorded cases. However the number has now decreased to nearly 100,000 daily cases.

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