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Criminal Court remands alleged child molester till end of trial

Shahudha Mohamed
19 July 2020, MVT 14:42
Protesters demanding justice for victims for rape and sexual assault. PHOTO: MIHAARU
Shahudha Mohamed
19 July 2020, MVT 14:42

Maldives Police Service revealed, on Sunday, that Criminal Court remanded a man, suspected of sexually assaulting a minor under the age of 15, until the end of his trial.

Police stated that Ahmed Nishan, aged 26, from Mundoo, Laamu Atoll, was arrested from the scene of the crime on July 15 following a report filed the same day.

Ahmed Nishan, aged 26, from Mundoo, Laamu Atoll, arrested over sexually abusing a minor aged below 15. Maldives Police Service stated that the Criminal Court has remanded him till the end of trial. PHOTO: POLICE

Criminal Court remanded the perpetrator till trial's end after deciding that Nishan may pose a threat to society if he is released, as the accusations against him concern sexual abuse against a minor.

According to police, attempts are underway to conclude the investigation and forward the case to the Prosecutor General's (PG) Office to press charges.

Police also warned that cases of sexual abuse involving blackmail and grooming through social media channels are on the rise, requesting parents to be more vigilant about such incidents.

Recently, a collective of gender equality advocates originating from Family Legal Clinic (FLC), Nufoshey and Uthema Maldives also launched the #FundOurSafety initiative, voicing demands to declare rape and sexual offences as serious criminal offences and reallocate state funds for the protection of victims.

Several protests have also been held, the most recent being the 'JaagaEhNei' protest held on July 14, to demand that perpetrators and authorities are held accountable and justice ensured for victims and survivors.

Meanwhile, the police have urged parents and guardians to be aware and report any such cases to the police's Family and Child Protection Wing at +960 3000600 or the Ministry of Gender, Family and Social Services at 1412.

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