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India grants financial support to Fiyavathi

Nafaahath Ibrahim
21 November 2019, MVT 10:59
Children at Fiyavathi sitting outside during an event. PHOTO: GENDER MINISTRY
Nafaahath Ibrahim
21 November 2019, MVT 10:59

The government of India on Wednesday granted MVR 1.9 million to refurbish 'Fiyavathi', the children's shelter in reclaimed suburb Hulhumale.

According to Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the project is aimed to cater TO the growing needs of foster care children aged between 0-13 years. This includes upgrading the security systems, strengthening the functionality of the building, setting up two common rooms, and replacing the current furniture among others.

The ministry revealed that this grant assistance was provided under India's aid scheme to Maldives, signed during the Indian External Affairs Minister's visit in March.

This grant aims to assist in conducting socio-economic development projects across Maldives.

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