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Foreign Ministry concludes allotting India’s MVR 100 mil grant

06 June 2019, MVT 09:05
India's Minister of External Affairs Sushma Swaraj (L) signs the Guest Book at the Maldives' Ministry of Foreign Affairs. PHOTO/FOREIGN MINISTRY
06 June 2019, MVT 09:05

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Wednesday, announced three further projects under the MVR 100 million grant that was provided by the Government of India to the Maldives for socio-economic development, thereby drawing a conclusion to the distribution of funding.

According to the ministry, projects for which the grant allocations were made, across various islands, were all requests that were made to the president during weekly meetings held with the island councils, on official visits made to the islands during both elections as well as those brought to his attention from ministries and other authorities owing to increased urgency.

To outline the distribution of the MVR 100 million aid;

MVR 7,806,900.00 - To construct an international Convention Centre in Ukulhas, Alif Alif Atoll

As such facilities are limited, create a venue for the local council, guest house owners and business communities to host conferences thereby promoting MICE tourism.

MVR 7,000,000 – For numerous projects at the Specialised Training School run by the Police Academy, Maldives Police Service, at Vaanee, Dhaalu Atoll

Ensuring modern training is provided to police officers, and the necessary skills and knowledge required to perform their duties efficiently and effectively.

MVR 7,469,465.89 – To establish Emergency Medical Services in Ihavandhoo, Haa Alif Atoll

Developing necessary infrastructure and procurement of machinery needed towards setting up an emergency medical services unit in the island.

MVR 12, 001, 056 - To construct classrooms in Lhohi, Noonu Atoll and Kinolhas, Raa Atoll

Allowing facilities in both islands to change into single session schools, as restructuring all schools in this manner is one of the government’s key priorities.

MVR 8,000,000 - To procure outdoor fitness equipment to be installed in 61 islands across the Maldives

Promoting healthy lifestyles and fight the burden of non-communicable diseases in the Maldives, in support of President Solih’s election pledge.

MVR 7,700,000 - Purchase and deliver 11 land ambulances to hospitals and health centres across Maldives.

To improve cross-country health services including the accessibility of services, per Government’s pledge. The ambulance services will provide immediate and effective life-saving care in a safe and clinical working environment with maximum mobility.

MVR, 8,000,000 – Build coastal protection in Rasdhoo, Alif Alif Atoll

Providing the necessary coastal protection to an area of a length of 179 meters, facing severe coastal erosion. Previously used as a landfill, erosion caused buried waste to rise to the surface, contaminating water resources and polluting the beach area. Notably, the project is planned to take place fairly close to a protected area within the same natural atoll formation.

MVR, 8,000,000 - Establish ice plants in two (undeclared) islands

By building two 25 metric-ton ice plants in two islands with large fishing communities, post-harvest loss of fish will be minimized and delivery of good quality fish to fish purchasing companies ensured. The project includes training of operations and maintenance staff.

MVR 1,500,000 - Improve student ferry between B. Fehendhoo and B. Goidhoo

To provide a long-term sustainable solution ensuring uninterrupted educational access for Fehendhoo students, currently facing travel to Goidhoo school in a small ‘deteriorated’ dingy, under arrangements made by the Parents Association and the island council.

MVR 6, 014, 972 - Establishing drug detoxification and Community Rehabilitation Centre in Hulhudhoo, Seenu Atoll

To provide quality drug treatment and rehabilitation services to the entirety of Addu City. In addition to infrastructure, the project includes developing social workers, technical staff and counsellors’ skills and knowledge and strengthening evidence-based treatment programs to international standards.

MVR 8,000, 000 - Procure vehicles and machinery for Male’ City Council

To ease pressures whilst increasing the Council’s capacity to carry out development projects and deliver efficient, timely services to Male’s residents.

MVR 5,000, 000 – Establish a Community Centre in Foakaidhoo, Shaviyani Atoll

As there is none presently, a venue that can cater for community activities, including youth activities, administrative space for Women’s Development Council, library services, and space for atoll and regional level seminars, workshops and conferences, is needed.

MVR 8,000,000 - Vehicles for Maldives Correctional Services

To procure vans and launches necessary for the transfer of prisoners between various locations in a timely manner.

Per the ministry publicized figures, allocations have been made for a grand total of MVR 94,492,393 from the MVR 100 million (USD 6,930,006.93) granted to the Government of Maldives by the Government of India during the visit of the Minister of External Affairs of India Ms. Sushma Swaraj in March 2019.

Noting the remainder of funds, the ministry spokesperson said that however, finance departments would utilize the amount for any contingencies under the publicized projects.

The aim of the grant assistance is to conduct socio-economic development projects across the country which are of high impact.