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Renowned neurosurgeon Dr Niyaf leaves ADK, moves to IGMH

Maldives' first neurosurgeon, Dr Ali Niyaf has joined state run IGMH after serving 10 years at ADK Hospital.

Malika Shahid
22 July 2024, MVT 11:48
Dr Ali Niyaf in an earlier event held at ADK Hospital
Malika Shahid
22 July 2024, MVT 11:48

Maldives' reknowned neurosurgeon, Dr Ali Niyaf, has left ADK Hospital and joined the government-owned Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH) today.

Dr Niyaf had served at ADK for nearly 10 years, earning the trust of many patients.

In a social media post, ADK Hospital acknowledged Dr Niyaf's significant contributions to the success of their neurosurgery department.

"Your commitment has been vital to the success of the Neurosurgery Department, and you will always hold a special place in the department and the ADK family," the post read.

IGMH Deputy CEO Dr Shah Mahir told Mihaaru News that the addition of Dr Niyaf will strengthen the services of the government's main tertiary hospital.

He highlighted plans to begin operations not previously conducted at IGMH or even in the Maldives.

"There are plans to do various brain and endovascular surgeries. If we establish a good neurosurgery unit, the stroke treatment will also improve. There is already a stroke unit here. Neurology and neurosurgery will work together," Dr. Shah said.

He also added that spinal surgery and brain tumor removal operations would start in the near future.

Dr Niyaf is currently performing neurological disorder treatments in collaboration with IGMH neurosurgeon Dr Ali Afeef.

However, Dr Shah emphasized that Dr. Niyaf's joining is a great encouragement to the entire team.

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