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Criminal Court drops bribery charges against ex-top court justices

Fathmath Shaahunaz
10 October 2018, MVT 18:34
Former Chief Justice Abdulla Saeed (L) and former Judge Ali Hameed of the Supreme Court. IMAGE/MIHAARU
Fathmath Shaahunaz
10 October 2018, MVT 18:34

The Criminal Court on Wednesday annulled the bribery charges levied against former Chief Justice Abdulla Saeed and former Judge Ali Hameed of the Supreme Court.

Saeed and Hameed were arrested and indicted of several charges over the top court's landmark ruling of February 1 to release political prisoners. The state charged the two former justices and former Chief Judicial Administrator Hassan Saeed with accepting bribes, under accusations that Jumhooree Party founder Qasim Ibrahim's Villa Group had paid for expensive properties in Malaysia that were acquired by people linked to the three.

The Criminal Court annulled their charges, stating that it could not proceed with the case based on the burden of proof.

The court also nullified the case against Qasim Ibrahim's son Siyad Qasim, who was arrested and charged with giving bribes, in the case. The court annulled the charge, stating that the prosecution had not submitted evidence that proved Villa Group had paid for the properties in Malaysia.

While the court has dropped their bribery charges, Abdulla Saeed and Ali Hameed are serving jail sentences of more than three years over two convictions, while Hassan Saeed is imprisoned for four months and 24 days over one conviction.

The state has also levied terrorism charges against Abdulla Saeed and Ali Hameed. Their trials are currently ongoing.