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Court postpones verdict on releasing ex-pres Gayoom, former top court judges

Fathmath Shaahunaz
25 September 2018, MVT 12:18
Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom arrives in Male City from prison, to attend a court hearing regarding his release. PHOTO/MIHAARU iREPORTER
Fathmath Shaahunaz
25 September 2018, MVT 12:18

The Criminal Court summoned the jailed former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, his son Dhiggaru MP Faris Maumoon, and former top court judges Abdulla Saeed and Ali Hameed to review their incarceration on Monday night, but ultimately postponed the ruling.

Gayoom, Faris Maumoon, and former Chief Justice Abdulla Saeed and former Supreme Court Judge Ali Hameed were arrested under terrorism charges in the wake of the landmark top court order in early February. They were brought to court after they filed to review the previous ruling to remand them until the end of their trials.

The former Judicial Administrator Hassan Saeed was also summoned to court the same night.

However, the Criminal Court postponed the decision regarding their release, as they are already convicted on various other charges. The court noted that annulling the order to remand them until the end of their ongoing trials, would not free them from the jail sentences they are already serving.

Gayoom is sentenced to over a year and half in jail over obstruction of justice, while his son Faris Maumoon is serving four months and 24 days over identity theft. Meanwhile, former CJ Saeed and former judge Hameed are imprisoned for over two years on different convictions, while Hassan Saeed is serving four months and 24 days.

While the Criminal Court has postponed making a decision regarding the release of Gayoom, Faris, Hameed, Abdulla Saeed and Hassan Saeed, the court freed the former Commissioner of Police Ahmed Areef and three opposition lawmakers who were remanded without convictions.