Ahmed Thorig (Tom), currently in contention for the FAM elections, stated that he has lodge a formal complaint with FIFA, contending that the electoral committee overseeing the elections lacks validity.
Having previously held the position of president at FAM, Tom is now a candidate in the election alongside Mufawiz Hashim (Mufa), the Vice Chairman of Club Eagles. Tom's candidacy faced rejection, prompting an appeal, the final decision of which is slated for tomorrow. Despite the absence of an Electoral Appeals Committee, no meeting has been convened so far. Tom asserted in a statement that he will bring the matter to FIFA and the AFC, emphasizing that an electoral committee cannot engage in election-related activities in contravention of the fundamental rules of the FAM.
Key points raised by Tom regarding the election include:
- His candidacy, supported by 9 out of 18 FAM member clubs, was still rejected. The decision, based on the validity of club Valencia's letter, aligns with a provision from FIFA's constitution.
- The fact that an Electoral Appeal Committee was not established during the last FAM congress as per Article 12 of the FAM Election Rules was appealed on January 12. Although a response is anticipated tomorrow, the lack of a valid committee has disallowed the conduction of meetings.
- Violation of Article 4 of the FAM Electoral Code, which stipulates that members of the Electoral Committee cannot be elected for two consecutive terms. Despite this, the committee was re-elected for an additional term at the previous year's congress.
- The illegal continuation of Electoral Committee Chairman Abdullah Ali (Boashimaage, N. Velidhoo) for three consecutive terms. Vice Chairs Ahmeem Abdul Razzaq (Orchid, B. Eydhafushi) and Abdullah Ali (Male' Registration 6090) were also elected for a second term, contravening the Electoral Code.
The scheduled elections, set to occur with six months remaining in the term of incumbent President Bassam Adel Jaleel, have been called into question by Commissioner of Sports Mohamed Tholal. Tholal has urged the FAM to temporarily postpone the elections due to governance and election-related concerns. However, the FAM has chosen to proceed with the election process, disregarding the advice of the sports commissioner.
Fam press conference ahmed thoriq tom