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Namza transferred to Local Government Ministry, Aminath Hussain to Fisheries Ministry

Aminath Namza and Aminath Hussain were transferred from Social and Family Development Ministry to other ministries amidst allegations of bullying and harassment.

Ameera Osmanagic
04 October 2024, MVT 21:48
Aminath Namza (R) and Aminath Hussain (L) were transferred from Social and Family Development Ministry to other ministries --
Ameera Osmanagic
04 October 2024, MVT 21:48

Two senior staff of the Ministry of Social and Family Development were transferred to other Ministries today, amidst allegations of harassment and bullying within the organisation.

According to reports, the two officials who were transferred are State Minister Aminath Hussain and Deputy Minister Aminath Namza.

Aminath Hussain, who is also the daughter of Central Maafannu MP Asma Rasheed, was transferred to the Fisheries Ministry at the capacity of State Minister.

Namza, who is also a well known television personality was transferred to Local Government Ministry as a Deputy Minister.

A senior official of the Social and Family Development confirmed the transitions of the duo and Mihaaru News that it was an internal change.

However, while the reason for this transfer is still unknown, it comes just shortly after the Social and Family Development Ministry's Elderly Department Director Aishath Shooza came forward with allegations against the Ministry's leadership.

Shooza said she was differentiated, harassed, bullied and that the senior management of the Ministry created a hostile working environment, forcing her to leave. However, she did not specify names.

The Ministry denied these claims.