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PGO has yet to decide on prosecuting Youth Minister Mahloof for corruption

Lamya Abdulla
15 June 2021, MVT 22:26
Youth Minister Ahmed Mahloof at Majilis: he has been suspended since June 9 for his involvement un the MMPRC Corruption -- Photo: Majilis
Lamya Abdulla
15 June 2021, MVT 22:26

Prosecutor General's Office (PGO) has said they have yet to make a decision about prosecuting Youth Minister Ahmed Mahloof for his involvement in the Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation (MMPRC) Corruption

The joint investigation conducted by Asset Recovery Commission and Police had provided them with enough evidence that Mahloof had obtained money through illegal means, and that he was a direct beneficiary of the MMPRC Corruption. His case was sent for prosecution by Anti Corruption Commission (ACC) on July 9.

Public Prosecutor and Media Official of PGO Ahmed Shafeeu had told Mihaaru that they are further investigating the case submitted to them and they have not made a decision on how to move forward.

ACC had said that Mahloof has received USD 33,000 while he served as a Majilis member, representing the Galolhu Dhekunu Constituency. They have said they have various evidence proving he had accepted a bribe. Furthermore, the documents he had submitted to ACC to prove he was unaware he was accepting money gained through illegal means were falsified, ACC had said.

Mahloof had previously said he was not aware the money he received had any connection to the corruption. He claimed he received the money in an exchange of currencies and had provided documents that shows he had provided an equivalent amount in Rufiyaa. ACC has said those documents were forged.

Due to his involvement, President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has suspended the Minister from his position as well. The ministry have not been handed to another person to steer for the time being, Spokesperson to the President's Office Mabrook Azeez has said.

Mahloof was suspended from his position as Youth Minister back in 2019 as well, due to his involvement in the MMPRC corruption. After two months, he was back in office in the April of the same year.