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Youth minister's suspension lifted

Lamya Abdulla
10 October 2021, MVT 19:28
(FILE) Minister Mahloof attending MDP's internal congress meeting on August 31, 2021: Mahloof was suspended in June -- Photo: Nishan Ali/ Mihaaru
Lamya Abdulla
10 October 2021, MVT 19:28

President Ibrahim Mohamed lifted Sports and Youth Minister Ahmed Mahloof's suspension on Saturday over inaction from the state in pressing charges against the minister who has been accused of corruption.

Mahloof was suspended in June after Anti Corruption Commission (ACC) sent his case to the Prosecutor General's Office (PGO), requesting Mahloof be persecuted for his involvement in the Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation (MMPRC) Corruption. He was accused of accepting a bribe of USD 33,000.

Mahloof has been under suspension since then. Youth Ministry has been under Tourism Minister Dr. Abdulla Mausoom in Mahloof's absence. Mahloof received the full salary and other benefits associated with a minister's position even when he had been suspended.

Mahloof's suspension was lifted due to the fact the case had not been sent for persecution in the past four months.

Prosecutor General's Office (PGO) said Mahloof's case was incomplete and they were looking for more information. This was the same answer PGO has provided in the past as well questioned about the delay in pressing charges against Mahloof.

Mahloof had been suspended in 2019 as well over his involvement in the MMPRC Corruption. His suspension was lifted within a short period that year as well.