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Access Control System of Vinares Flats' to be fixed by Sunday

HDC announced that the vandalized Access Control System and the doors will be repaired and ready for use by Sunday next week. Residents are advised to pick up access tags from the management office of Vinares 10 as soon as possible.

Malika Shahid
08 August 2024, MVT 11:25
Security camera footage of persons attempting to force open the Vinares Flats' entrance, disregarding the Access Control System installed there -- Photo: HDC
Malika Shahid
08 August 2024, MVT 11:25

Access Control System at the Vinares Flats is under repair and will be restored next week, according to the Housing Development Corporation (HDC).

HDC announced that the vandalized Access Control System and the doors will be repaired and ready for use by Sunday next week. Residents are advised to pick up access tags from the management office of Vinares 10 as soon as possible.

The access control system was installed to ensure the safety and security of the building's occupants, and damaging it violates the rights of all users, HDC stated. Therefore, action will be taken against those who cause damage to the system.

Installed at the main entrance of the Vinares Towers in late June, the access control system allows entry through tags. However, the service was temporarily suspended three days later due to a number of individuals vandalizing the door and system. As part of efforts to enhance security, five unlock tags have been issued to each flat.

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