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Distribution of staple foods to households to commence on Saturday

Stating that the boats carrying staple food have departed to local islands on Thursday, Minister of Local Government assured that rice and flour will be distributed country-wide starting Saturday.

Aishath Shuba Solih
08 March 2024, MVT 08:30
Staple food stock previously imported inside the country by STO -- Photo: State Trading Organization
Aishath Shuba Solih
08 March 2024, MVT 08:30

Minister of Cities, Local Government and Public Works, Adam Shareef Umar stated on Thursday that distribution of staple foods to each household with the approach of Ramadan will be begun on Saturday in accordance with President Dr Mohamed Muizzu’s pledge.

Speaking to Mihaaru News, the Minister shared that State Trading Organization (STO) had informed the Ministry that the supply ship carrying the staple food items had docked onto the Male’ City commercial harbor on Tuesday.

He had further assured that boats hauling the food have begun travels to local islands on Thursday and ascertained that distribution of rice and flour will commence after that on Saturday.

Minister Adam Shareef had stated that relevant authorities will contact households to receive the items and further stated that the food items will be handed over once visited with an identification card indicating Maldivian nationality at any time of ease.

The President had announced that the State will grant each household with 10 kilograms of rice and 10 kilograms of flour during this Ramadan at a press conference following his presidential trip to China.

He had further assured that an agreement had been reached with Turkey to import staple food without depending on a specific country for the import of sugar, rice and flour essential for Maldivians while at the Velana International Airport on January 13. He had affirmed that this number will be increased next year. The president had spoken that day of Maldives’ heavy dependance on India for the facilitation of many resources.