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Over 2000 recipients opt to transfer land plots from Giraavaru Falhu to Gulhi Falhu

Over 2,200 recipients have applied to change their allocated land plots from Giraavaru Falhu to Gulhi Falhu.

Mariyath Mohamed
28 May 2024, MVT 11:13
Gulhi Falhu.-- Photo: HDC
Mariyath Mohamed
28 May 2024, MVT 11:13

Over 2,200 recipients have applied to change their allocated land plots from Giraavaru Falhu to Gulhi Falhu.

In early April, the Ministry of Housing, Land and Urban Planning announced that after changes have been brought to the land use plan of Giravaru Falhu, it had been decided to relocate the allocation of over 1300 land plots initially slated to be located there to Gulhi Falhu.

They stated that in allocation of land under the 'Binveriya' Housing Scheme of the previous administration, no consideration had been given to reserve the required space for provision of fundamental services at the location.

Hence, the land use plan had been restructured to allow space for the provision of such essential services.

A total of 1347 land plots need relocation. This includes;

- 193 land plots of 1250 sqft

- 663 land plots of 1650 sqft

- 487 land plots of 2050 sqft

- 4 land plots of 2450 sqft

Number of Applicants

- 193 land plots of 1250 sqft: 1093 applications

- 663 land plots of 1650 sqft: 880 applications

- 487 land plots of 2050 sqft: 234 applications

- 4 land plots of 2450 sqft: 3 applications

The Ministry has decided to draw lots on June 4. The time is to be announced later.

The Ministry said that lots will not be drawn in the 2050 and 2450 sqft categories as the number of applicants are less than the allocated numbers.

The list of applicants has been published. Concerns and complaints regarding the list can be submitted until 23:00 hrs on Friday.

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