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Issuance of over 1300 land plots to be transferred from Giraavarufalhu to Gulhi Falhu

Mariyath Mohamed
06 April 2024, MVT 20:57
Giravaru Falhu.
Mariyath Mohamed
06 April 2024, MVT 20:57

After changes have been brought to the land use plan of Giravaru Falhu, it has been decided to relocate the allocation of over 1300 land plots initially slated to be located there to Gulhi Falhu.

In a statement released by the Ministry of Housing, Land and Urban Development, they stated that in allocation of land under the 'Binveriya Scheme', no consideration had been given to reserve the required space for provision of fundamental services at the location.

Hence, the land use plan has been restructured to allow space for the provision of such essential services, the statement reads.

With the restructuring of the land use plan, it is no longer possible to accommodate the same number of land plots from Giraavaru Falhu as was done before. Therefore, the Ministry explained, some of these land plots were now being issued from Gulhi Falhu instead of Giraavaru Falhu as earlier informed.

A total of 1347 land plots need relocation. This includes;

- 193 land plots of 1250 sqft

- 663 land plots of 1650 sqft

- 487 land plots of 2050 sqft

- 4 land plots of 2450 sqft

The Ministry said that individuals who received land plots of these sizes from Giravaru Falhu can apply for relocation to Gulhi Falhu through the ministry's Hiyavehi portal beginning from tomorrow.

If the ministry receives more requests than the determined numbers, they will pre-announce a date and hold a draw through which individuals will be selected.

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