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Gaafu Dhaalu atoll Kannigillaa opens for agricultural leasing

Interested parties are invited to submit their Expressions of Interest (EOI) by 10 November, with the deadline for bid submissions set for 21 November.

Malika Shahid
26 October 2024, MVT 16:13
An aerial view above Hoandeddhoo and Madaveli
Malika Shahid
26 October 2024, MVT 16:13

Gaafu Dhaalu atoll island of Kannigillaa has been opened for lease for agricultural purposes.

Hoandeddhoo Council announced last week that both local and foreign investors are invited to explore this opportunity.

The 430,000 square foot island is designated for agriculture, livestock breeding, and mariculture.

Interested parties are invited to submit their Expressions of Interest (EOI) by 10 November, with the deadline for bid submissions set for 21 November.

The project aims to stimulate agricultural and economic development in the region.

Located between Hoandeddhoo and Madaveli in the same Lagoon, Kannigillaa was initially designated for resort development under former President Dr Mohamed Waheed Hassan's administration in 2012.

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