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Maldivian cancels Funadhoo flights

National airline, Maldivian, has cancelled all scheduled flights to and from Shaviyani atoll Funadhoo until further notice due to a technical issue with the Funadhoo Airport's fire truck.

Mariyath Mohamed
10 October 2024, MVT 15:22
Maldivian ge ATR aircraft
Mariyath Mohamed
10 October 2024, MVT 15:22

National airline, Maldivian, has cancelled all scheduled flights to and from Shaviyani atoll Funadhoo until further notice due to a technical issue with the Funadhoo Airport's fire truck.

Maldivian released a statement saying that the flights have been cancelled because of a technical reason at the airport.

The airline said that passengers can contact them via calling 1671 or emailing [email protected] to explore rebooking options.

Mihaaru News, meanwhile, reports that the cancellations were caused due to the Funadhoo Airport's fire truck being out of service.

Maldivian's flights to Funadhoo are normally on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays.

The airline said that flights would be resumed as soon as the issue is resolved.

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