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SEAICOMA hosts first committee meeting in Maldives

20 March 2019, MVT 10:02
Committee meeting for South East Asia and Indian Ocean Cable Maintenance Agreement (SEAIOCMA) hosted by Dhiraagu at Bandos Island Resort. PHOTO: MIHAARU / HUSSAIN WAHEED.
20 March 2019, MVT 10:02

The Committee meetings for South East Asia and Indian Ocean Cable Maintenance Agreement (SEAICOMA) hosted by Dhiraagu was kicked off in Bandos Island Resort on Tuesday.

SEAIOCMA offers submarine cable maintenance spanning an area between Djibouti in the west, Perth in the south, Guam in the east and the northern tip of Taiwan.

They specialise in subsea fibre optic cable installation and maintenance solutions to the telecoms and oil & gas sectors.

Under the agreement, they provide repair and reinstatement of submarine cables that carry international telecommunications traffic in the event of cable damage by ship anchors, fishing, tsunami and earthquake.

Moreover, the ships based in Singapore, the Philippines and India are on standby and ready to respond within 24 hours in the event of an obstruction to telecommunications traffic.

Dhiraagu signed a maintenance contract with SEAIOCMA in 2006, thus being the sole company in the Maldives with a SEAIOCMA membership.

This is the first time that SEAIOCMA hosted its committee meeting in the Maldives. During the meeting 144 representatives were present. The meetings will conclude on March 21.