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Presidential couple attend Independence Day flag ceremony

Mohamed Rehan
26 July 2023, MVT 11:49
President Ibrahim Mohamed Soih and First Lady Fazna Ahmed at the flag ceremony held at Republic Square -- Photo: President's Office
Mohamed Rehan
26 July 2023, MVT 11:49

President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih and First Lady Fazna Ahmed attended the flag ceremony on Wednesday, July 26, to commemorate the 58th anniversary of Maldives' Independence Day.

The ceremony took place at the Republic Square at 06:00 a.m. and was attended by cabinet ministers, distinguished guests and officials from the government and various institutions.

The minister of defense, Mariya Ahmed Didi, and Minister of Home Affairs, Imran Abdulla welcomed the presidential couple upon their arrival. The flag ceremony commenced with a special prayer recitation by Sheikh Azim Khalid.

Maldives gained independence on July 26, 1965.