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President, First Lady attends Independence Day celebrations

Nafaahath Ibrahim
27 July 2019, MVT 08:54
President Solih watching the troops display and the Presidential Salutation in his honour during the Independence Day celebrations. PHOTO: PRESIDENTS OFFICE
Nafaahath Ibrahim
27 July 2019, MVT 08:54

President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih and First Lady Fazna Ahmed on Friday attended the festivities held at National Stadium to mark 54th Independence Day of Maldives.

In addition to the First Couple, Vice President Faisal Naseem and his wife Aishath Shamsada attended the festivities.

President Solih and First Lady Fazna was welcomed by Minister of Home Affairs, Imran Abdulla and greeted with the Presidential salute by the Maldives National Defence Force (MNDF).

MNDF's silent drill act at the Independence Day celebrations. PHOTO: PRESIDENTS OFFICE

The salute was followed by the National Anthem, performed by a combined ensemble orchestra comprising of members from different School Bands and the Maldives National Defense Force.

Armed Forces Guard and a squad comprising of students from various schools trooped past the Presidential Stand and venerated the President with another salutation.

First Lady waving to the school students who performed various acts during the celebrations held to mark Independence Day. PHOTO: PRESIDENTS OFFICE

The festivities of the night included cultural performances, musicals and other events presented by different schools and MNDF.

Several Cabinet Members, Parliamentarians and other government officials took part in the celebrations.