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MIB opens applications to exhibit and present at Guesthouse Symposium

Maldives Islamic Bank (MIB) has opened applications for parties interested to exhibit and present business ideas and inventions at the MIB Guesthouse Symposium.

Ameera Osmanagic
12 September 2024, MVT 21:26
Information session on the MIB Guesthouse Symposium -- Photo: MIB Information session on the MIB Guesthouse Symposium -- Photo: MIB
Information session on the MIB Guesthouse Symposium -- Photo: MIB
Ameera Osmanagic
12 September 2024, MVT 21:26

Maldives Islamic Bank (MIB) has opened applications for parties interested to exhibit and present business ideas and inventions at the MIB Guesthouse Symposium.

The symposium, which is scheduled to take place on the 10th of next month, is open to youth small business owners involved in guesthouses. The symposium will feature exhibits from software developers, various types of souvenirs and other innovative work related to the field.

The symposium will also give young creators the opportunity to present their businesses, business ideas and inventions. This is an opportunity for the youth of the country, said MIB. The bank also describes this as a great opportunity for young people to present their business and products to guesthouse owners and industry experts. It will also be a platform to showcase the talents of young talent in the field, they said.

Those who wish to exhibit at the symposium and submit business ideas and products are encouraged register free of charge via the MIB website.

The MIB Guesthouse Symposium will be held on October 10th at Cross Roads Maldives, and will be one of the largest such events for guesthouses in Maldives.

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