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Parliament committee meeting on staff numbers at Speaker's residence closed

Today's meeting of Parliament's Security Services Committee (241 Committee) where discussions were held about the number of employees at the official residence of the Speaker, Muraidhoo, has been held closed.

Mariyath Mohamed
14 October 2024, MVT 11:33
Mariyath Mohamed
14 October 2024, MVT 11:33

Today's meeting of Parliament's Security Services Committee (241 Committee) where discussions were held about the number of employees at the official residence of the Speaker, Muraidhoo, has been held closed.

Speaker of Parliament Abdul Raheem Abdulla moved to Muraidhoo in July after renovations were completed on the residence. Mihaaru News requested on July 28 for details of the total cost of renovation, the number of staff employed at the residence and the details of their salaries.

At the time, Parliament Secretariat extended the RTI deadline, and then responded that as the Speaker in entitled to protection under Parliament privileges and Act, it is the 241 Committee that will make a decision on whether the details of employees at his residence can be disclosed.

At today's committee meeting, Chair Eydhafushi MP Ahmed Saleem said that the matter had not received a response despite the initial deadline, and extension of 15 days expiring because parliament had been in recess.

People's Nation Congress Parliamentary Group Leader and MP for Inguraidhoo Ibrahim Falah had proposed that the meeting be held closed. Maamigili MP Gasim Ibrahim seconded this, with the committee then being held closed.

The most senior position at the Speaker's residence, Chief of Staff, is filled by veteran journalist 'Mundoo' Adam Haleem.

The most popular Maldivian football 'Dhagandey', Ali Ashfaq, is also working at the residence, as Director General.

The number of other staff at the residence, or their pay, has not been disclosed as of yet.

Before the Speaker took up residence at Muraidhoo, it was renovated by WAMCO. However, it is unclear who spent on the renovations, or how much it cost.

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