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Umrah agent applications now accepted around the year

New regulations on Umrah agents arranging trips for Maldivian pilgrims published by the Ministry of Islamic Affairs states that applications to become Umrah agents will now be accepted throughout the year.

Mariyath Mohamed
10 October 2024, MVT 15:14
Saudis and expats perform "Al Fajr" prayers at the Grand Mosque in the holy city of Mecca, on October 18, 2020, for the first time after easing months-long COVID-19 restrictions. - Saudi Arabia opened Islam's holiest site for prayers for the first time in seven months, and expanded the umrah pilgrimage to accommodate 15,000 worshippers as it relaxed coronavirus curbs. (Photo by STR / AFP)
Mariyath Mohamed
10 October 2024, MVT 15:14

New regulations on Umrah agents arranging trips for Maldivian pilgrims published by the Ministry of Islamic Affairs states that applications to become Umrah agents will now be accepted throughout the year.

Previously, proposals applying for this license were only accepted in pre-announced application periods. This regulation came into effect in February 2022, with the Ministry since announcing twice a year for applications from interested parties.

At the time, even if the license period expires, agents have to wait until the ministry announces for new applications before renewing their license. Agents were, however, obligated to notify the ministry via a dedicated form 30 days before the license expires.

Minister of Islamic Affairs Dr Mohamed Shaheem Ali Saeed said that the regulations have now been changed to allow applications throughout the year because Umrah pilgrimages are not specified to be undertaken at any particular time of the year and because the number of companies acting as Umrah agents across the country have been increasing.

The regulations state that each company can submit one single proposal for the license. In the instance that the proposals need to be revised, the revisions must be submitted within an additional seven days.

Umrah agent license applications are charged a fee of MVR 20,000. Fee renewals are charged a fee of MVR 15,000. The regulation also instructs agents to not charge exorbitant amounts from pilgrims.

It further states that no payments must be accepted by the companies before they obtain their license. As per the regulation, if any issues arise after payments are made without verifying if the company has the necessary permits, then the responsibility must be borne by the payee.

The regulations stipulate that women under 45 years of age cannot be taken on Umrah without a mahram, and boys under the age of 18 cannot be taken on Umrah without a parent or guardian. However, Shaheem said that instructions have been given to revoke this policy in accordance with changes brought to the regulations in Saudi Arabia. He said that this article had been included previously due to requirements set by Saudi Arabia.

Umrah agents who act in contravention of the regulations can be fined between MVR 1000 and MVR 100,000 based on the severity of the offence.

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