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Military air bases to be established in Gan and Funadhoo

The government has commenced efforts to establish military air bases in Gan, Addu and Shaviyani Atoll Funadhoo to further strengthen monitoring of Maldives' Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).

Mariyath Mohamed
23 October 2024, MVT 10:33
Air corps Drone maafaru
Mariyath Mohamed
23 October 2024, MVT 10:33

The government has commenced efforts to establish military air bases in Gan, Addu and Shaviyani Atoll Funadhoo to further strengthen monitoring of Maldives' Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).

Use of military drones was introduced in Maldives on March 15 this year. Under President Dr Mohamed Muizzu's leadership, Maldives obtained three military drones from Turkey through special concessions from the Government of Turkey. At present, the main base from which the drones are operated is the Noonu atoll Maafaru Airport.

Minister of Defence Mohamed Ghassan Maumoon told Mihaaru News that the President, through the advice of the Defence Ministry and Maldives National Defence Force (MNDF) has decided to establish drone bases or military air bases in Funadhoo and Gan.

Military Drone launching event

He said that Funadhoo council has now allocated the necessary land for this, with work set to commence on the island. The plan is to complete work on the UAV base in Gan first, and then begin work in Funadhoo, he said.

Ghassan said that the work on the base in Gan is expected to completed within the first two weeks of November, at which point the drones will then be operated from this base.

The government plans to bring in more drones by the time the Gan base is completed. While three drones are in use at present, the government has not released the number of new drones that are set to be brought in.

"Work is going on speedily now. Our hope is that Seenu atoll Gan UAV operations can be commenced before the end of November. Now MNDF officers are working there," Ghassan said.

Ghassan said that the hangars in Gan and Funadhoo will also be built through MNDF's budget.

According to the Minister, the Maafaru Airport is used as a drone base because the President decided to commence operations at the earliest. He pointed out that the type of drones now used in Maldives is the most in-demand model internationally, and said that obtaining these in just four months had been made possible through the close ties between the President and the President of Turkey.

Ghassan also addressed rumours that operations of the drones have been halted. He said that an interval without operating them had passed due to work being conducted on expanding the Maafaru airport runway, assuring that operations will recommence on October 25 once that work is complete.

No threat to tourism

Ghassan maintains that establishing a military air base in Gan would not, in any way, have an adverse effect on tourism.

He recalled that MNDF has been based in Addu for 31 years now, with many training programs also conducted there. He further highlighted that having MNDF based across the country is key for the country's protection and safety.

While MNDF Southern Area Command is based in Gan, the area is used for many MNDF trainings, including those involving live fire.

"I don't believe tourism activities ought to be carried out on either side of where the Southern Area Command is located. Live fire exercises are carried out there. Regardless of how much safety precautions are taken, live ammunition must only be used in trainings in a way that ensures there will be no harm to people or goods," Ghassan stated.

As such, military leaders had decided to use the adjacent areas for their exercises instead of allocating them for tourism, Ghassan said.

Drone operators

"That is the decision that was taken. That's why the eastern side from Southern Area Command was not granted for tourism, but for MNDF use. As you know, Commander in Chief of Defence Force and President Muizzu's highest priority is for the policy of protecting the country's independence and sovereignty," the Minister said.

With the area being already used for live fire exercises, Ghassan believes the addition of a drone base at Gan would not pose any additional threats to tourism in the area.

He said that even initially, Gan had been determined as the main base for drones. This is because with it being the southernmost atoll of Maldives, and with the EEZ extending 200 miles from there, it is the most ideal place for drone operations to monitor the area.

He further added that the area has low air traffic, which would present added convenience in timing take offs and landings of the drones.

Ghassan said that it is imperative to protect Maldives' independence and sovereignty as the President aims to bring transformational change to the country.