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PG requests to expedite corruption investigations

PG Abbas Shareef met with ACC President Adam Shamil on Monday.

Ameera Osmanagic
24 September 2024, MVT 08:09
PG Abbas' meeting with ACC today -- Photo: PG Office
Ameera Osmanagic
24 September 2024, MVT 08:09

Prosecutor General Abbas Shareef asked the Anti Corruption Commission (ACC) to expedite its investigations into corruption.

Abbas made the comment during his meeting with ACC's President Adam Shamil yesterday.

Following the meeting, Prosecutor General's Office (PG Office) said that during the meeting, Abbas assured the office's full cooperation and assistance in the work being done by the ACC. He also stressed the importance of the two institutions working together to win corruption cases in court..

The office further said that Abbas also assured additional support to ACC investigators whenever needed to strength the fight against corruption.

So far this year, the ACC has investigated five cases which have been forwarded for prosecution, while an additional 11 cases have been submitted for PG Office's consultation.