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Large numbers of turtles found in protected areas of Laamu Atoll

Malika Shahid
17 April 2022, MVT 00:20
Island of Laamu Atoll -- photo: Mihaaru
Malika Shahid
17 April 2022, MVT 00:20

The Ministry of Environment officially launched the "National Red List" of endangered animals in the Maldives in February. After research was done, the first species on the list were turtle species. According to the list, the risk of turtles and tortoise disappearing is very high.

The government protected six areas of Laamu Atoll on December 23. The Environment Ministry published detailed information on three eco- rich areas, which are home to a large number of turtles and tortoise.

Land and lagoon of Gaadhoo, L. Atoll

Gaadhoo has one of the highest turtle visits in the country. The island's beach, surrounding reef, lagoon and mangroves have been protected. It has an area of 614 hectares.

- The beach on the south and west is considered to be home of two endangered species of tortoise.

- The area around the island is an environment that provides food for the turtles and is a breeding ground for reef fish.

Protected land and lagoon area of L. Gaadhoo

- Six carbon-saving species of seaweed and 91 species of reef fish have been identified in the area.

- "Meeru Fenkulhi" mangrove on the east side of the island plays an important role in refreshing the island's freshwater and aids in reducing the chances of flooding in the island.

- Mangrove area is a place that helps to maintain the environment of seasonal migrating birds and protected bird species.

L. Gaadhoo, Hithadhoo Sea

The area, which is rich in animal species, is recorded to be a breeding spot for reef fish with an area of 777 hectares.

Protected areas of L. Gaadhoo and Hithadhoo sea

- Turtle and tortoise are among the most important animals seen in the area.

- Eels, rays, sharks and reef fish can be seen in the area.

L. Bodu Finolhu and Vadinolhu Ocean

A breeding spot for reef fish, it is an area of 706 hectares.

- Turtles, tortoise and a variety of sharks can be seen in the area.

- Bodu Finolhu is an area used by seabirds to sleep and lay their eggs.

Protected areas of L. Bodu Finolhu and Vadinolhu sea

The threat to the loss of turtles and tortoise is the large amount of waste in the ocean and lagoon due to fishing. The Red List also stated that the reason for the loss of the environment for these species include pollution, illegal fishing and trade.

Minister of State for Environment Ali Solih told "Mihaaru" that detailed information on some of the protected areas in Laamu Atoll was made public in an effort to create awareness among the public on the reasons for their destruction and the importance of these facilities. he said that these issues need to discussed regularly.

"It doesn't end with the statement that a certain area is now protected. It is important for the public to always have this information," he said.

"During the upcoming Eid holidays It is possible to take the family to tour such places. "The emotions, experiences and ideas of every individual visiting these places are different."

The government has decided to allocate six areas of Laamu Atoll, including Gan Bodu Fengandu, L. Maabaidhoo River and Fushi Sea area, L. Hithadhoo mangrove and the surrounding sea.

As part of the government's pledge to protect at least one island, one reef and one mangrove in each atoll of the Maldives, the first phase of the project will be carried out in fourteen areas of Haa Alifu, Haa Dhaalu, Shaviyani and Noonu atoll, four areas of Addu, one area of Fuvahmulah and five areas of Lhaviyani Atoll have been protected.

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