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Pension Office's "3Gen Walk" to be held next month

The walk will be held on April 12 at Central Park in Hulhumale'. The event is designed to provide an opportunity for the elderly to spend time with their families and to provide information and awareness on various aspects of the work of Pension Office.

Malika Shahid
27 March 2025, MVT 11:33
Malika Shahid
27 March 2025, MVT 11:33

Pension Office has announced that it will hold a Three Generation Walk for families next month.

The walk will be held on April 12 at Central Park in Hulhumale'. The event is designed to provide an opportunity for the elderly to spend time with their families in a happy environment and to provide information and awareness on various aspects of the work of Pension Office.

Pension Office said the walk is an event that brings together three generations of families, including children, parents and grandparents.

There will be stalls and entertainment in Central Park during the walk.

Registration for the walk is now open. Interested parties can register for the walk at 3genwalk.pension.gov.mv.

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