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Ship from world's largest shipping company makes first arrival in the Maldives

Anaan Bushry
09 October 2024, MVT 16:01
MSC Shipping, the world's largest shipping company's ship docked in Maldives for the first time. -- Photo - MPL
Anaan Bushry
09 October 2024, MVT 16:01

A ship from Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC), the world's largest shipping company, has arrived in the Maldives for the first time.

MPL's CEO Mohamed Wajeeh Ibrahim stated that the MSC ship brought 800 containers to Maldives. The ship carried general cargo. He said that with this ship, the volume of goods brought to the Maldives will greatly increase, and container ship services will be expanded.

This is the first time an MSC ship has come to the Maldives.

MPL has decided to hold a special ceremony tomorrow to welcome the arrival of the MSC ship.

MSC Shipping Line was founded in 1970 by Gianluigi Aponte, an Italian citizen. The company's headquarters is located in Switzerland. It is the company with the largest shipping fleet in the world, with 20 percent of the container capacity of shipping line vessels used worldwide belongs to this company.

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