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MNDF inspects 399 fire prone buildings in Male'

Speaking about the operation, an official of the MNDF Fire and Rescue Department said that 399 fire prone buildings were inspected in the Male' area.

Malika Shahid
16 October 2024, MVT 13:59
Fire inclident in the garage area of Nirufehi on November, 2022 -- Photo: Nishan Ali
Malika Shahid
16 October 2024, MVT 13:59

Maldives National Defence Force (MNDF) Fire and Rescue has inspected a number of fire prone buildings in the Male' area.

Earlier this month, the ministry's fire and rescue service launched an operation called "Operation Hiraas Faas" (Operation Danger Check), aimed at ensuring that chemical storage and trading facilities comply with established regulations. The operation seeks to raise public awareness about the laws and guidelines governing the import and storage of chemicals.

Speaking about the operation, an official of the MNDF Fire and Rescue Department said that 399 fire prone buildings were inspected in the Male' area.

"We are inspecting buildings that are prone to fire, for example, buildings made of steel, tin or wood. Those are the places that we have received reports about," he said.

The official said the operation is planned to be conducted in a serilized fashion with the aim of preventing potential fires.

Expatriates occupy most of the fire prone building in Male' area.

The latest fire incident occurred at Gaamagu Cafe' in Henveiru. The top two floors of the three-story building were constructed with a wooden deck and surrounded by tin. The fire left the building unusable, which had been used as accommodation for 57 foreign residents.

The fire that occurred at Nirufehi on November 2022, is the largest fire incident in the country to date and resulted in the highest death toll. A total of 10 expatriates lost their lives in the incident, which took place in a building housing a garage. The victims were living on the second and third floors, and the structure was also constructed of tin and wood.

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