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Over 40,000 students will be given the Pfizer vaccine in Maldives

Lamya Abdulla
15 August 2021, MVT 23:33
(FILE) A health worker administering the AstraZeneca vaccine: the vaccination program aimed at children are organised by HPA, Education Ministry, and Health Ministry -- Photo: Nishan Ali
Lamya Abdulla
15 August 2021, MVT 23:33

Education Ministry stated on Saturday evening that over 40,000 students between the ages 12 and 17 will be inoculated against COVID-19 in Maldives using Pfizer.

A vaccination program aimed at school children started on Sunday. Children under the age of 18 will be provided the Pfizer vaccine.

State Minister of Education Ministry Dr. Abdulla Rasheed stated on "Raajje Miadhu" program by Public Service Media (PSM) News last evening that details regarding the vaccination program will be shared with the parents. He said the ministry aims to ensure all students between the aforementioned age bracket receive their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine before August is over.

"Once vaccines are given to the students in schools, vaccines will be provided to students that had just finished grade 10 as well," he said.

Deputy Minister of the Education Ministry Ahmed Mujahid, also said on this program, that vaccines have now been sent to the schools.

"Students will not have to queue up in order to get vaccines. They will get their vaccine at their designated time. As such, 100 students can get their vaccines within a 30 minute period," he said.

Mujahid said Health Protection Agency (HPA) has trained health workers to provide vaccines to children as well. Furthermore, to guarantee the safety of students, doctors will be present in every vaccination center as well.

The program aimed at inoculating school children is being organised by the Education Ministry in addition to the Health Ministry, and HPA.

Maldives received 128,600 doses of the Pfizer vaccine, funded by United States of America (USA), from the COVAX facility. Pfizer is the only vaccine that have been approved to be administered on children as young as 12.

So far 342,793 people in Maldives have received their first dose against COVID-19 while 294,364 people are fully vaccinated.

Maldives aims to have 90 percent of its eligible population inoculated before August is over.