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Sahil refuses lawyer, will represent himself in court

Sahil has refused lawyers and will be representing himself as the trial of Shiaau Mohamed Saeed's murder is set to begin behind closed doors.

Ameera Osmanagic
02 September 2024, MVT 08:34
[File] Sahil Ali is accused of killed Shiaau Mohamed Saeed --
Ameera Osmanagic
02 September 2024, MVT 08:34

Sahil Ali, who stands accused of brutally killing a woman in a Malé house, has refused legal representation, and the court has decided to proceed with his trial with Sahil representing himself.

Sahil is believed to have killed Shiaau Mohamed Saeed on 6th August 2022 and mutilating her remains. He has five charges raised against him, and the Criminal Court is proceeding with a closed trial.

The Criminal Court said today that the attorney general's counsel appointed for Sahil was released as Sahil wanted to represent himself. With this decision, the court order all documents related to the case to be handed over to him.

Since he has requested to review the documents which have a protection order issued for, the court also ordered to make arrangements for Sahil to review these documents in court.

The next hearing in the case will hear the charges against Sahil and give him the opportunity to answer the charges.

Despite multiple attempts, the case's trial has not begun as Sahil previously refused to speak in court. However, the court said he was not disabled to be unable to answer the charges.

Sahil was twice appointed lawyers at state expense. However, the Attorney General's Office had earlier decided not to provide him with further lawyers at state expense because he did not cooperate with them.

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