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Transport Ministry decides to publish all registered vehicle numbers

14 December 2022, MVT 11:16
(FILE) Motorcycles parked in a parking zone in Male' on February 11, 2022 -- Photo: Fayaz Moosa
14 December 2022, MVT 11:16

Transport Ministry decided to publicize the registration numbers of land vehicles they register in Maldives on Tuesday.

The ministry said this decision was made to guarantee the vehicles were being registered within regulations.

"This was started to reduce easy access to corruption and to carry this work out in the most transparent manner possible, to ensure no party can work around regulations," ministry said.

All registration numbers of the vehicles are published on the ministry's website starting Tuesday, December 13.

These decisions came at a time when the Minister for Transport and Civil Aviation Aishath Nahula, and another senior employee at the ministry has been accused of corruption in handling vehicle registration. The case has been submitted to the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) who are now investigating the matter.

ACC had previously received allegations that transport ministry employees were accepting large bribes and registering vehicles unlawfully. While some cases were sent for prosecution, no charges were pressed due to lack of evidence.