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ACC investigating corruption case submitted against Minister Nahula

Lamya Abdulla
08 December 2022, MVT 11:02
(FILE) Minister Nahula speaking at opening ceremony of Hoarafushi Airport in November 19, 2020: ACC has not disclosed further details regarding the ongoing investigation into alleged corruption by Nahula -- Photo: Ahmed Awshan Ilyas / Mihaaru
Lamya Abdulla
08 December 2022, MVT 11:02

Anti Corruption Commission (ACC) has started to investigate the corruption case submitted to them regarding Minister for Transport and Civil Aviation Aishath Nahula.

Nahula and another senior employee at the ministry have been accused of registering vehicles against regulations, in addition to allegedly obtaining financial gains through these means.

Senior Communication Officer at ACC Nishan Mohamed Didi said they have accepted the case and have begun preliminary investigations. As it is an ongoing investigation, they could not disclose further details.

The case was summited to ACC with supporting documents alleging that the illegal vehicle registrations were approved with the knowledge of the minister.

Similar cases have previously been submitted to ACC alleging certain ministry employees were accepting large bribes and illegally registering vehicles. Some cases have been concluded and sent to the Prosecutor General's Office to press charges against senior members of the ministry. However, stating lack of evidence, the prosecutor general's office did not press charges.

In September of this year, ministry for transport had cancelled 50 vehicle registrations, claiming that registrations were issued illegally.

These include older vehicles that are no longer approved for registration in Maldives as well as illegal transfer of vehicle registration to the Male' zone.

While the case relating to Nahula is currently at ACC, she has submitted a case about the ministry's Deputy Minister Shimaz Ali to the President's Office. Shimaz was accused of illegal vehicle registration and defaming politically appointed employees at the ministry.

Shimaz denies these allegations and have said he has not carried out any work within the ministry without the minister's knowledge. He said he had carried out the duties and responsibilities assigned to him in accordance with the laws and regulations set in place.