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119 kg drug case: state appeals to High Court over release of a suspect

30 November 2022, MVT 11:40
(FIILE) Police testing drugs they have seized in various operations before disposing of them -- Photo: Nishan Ali / Mihaaru
30 November 2022, MVT 11:40

The state prosecutors on Tuesday appealed to the High Court against the release of Ahmed Mujahid, one of the suspects accused in the 119 kg drug smuggling case.

The Prosecutor General's Office pressed charges against Ali Zubair, Ahmed Sunain and Ahmed Mujahid after seizing a total of 119 kg of drugs from different locations in Malé and Hulhumalé last year. All three of them are natives of Gaafu Alifu Hoadedhoo.

The Criminal Court released Mujahid from state custody last week, citing that the case was not proceeding at an appropriate pace due to the absence of a judge. Judge Dheebanaaz Fahmy was presiding over the case, however, she was appointed to the High Court in August 2022.

The Prosecutor General's Office confirmed they have appealed the release of Mujahid at the High Court.

Five people were initially arrested in connection with the case, but only three were charged. The police had previously stated that the kingpin behind the smuggling operation was Arushad Khalid, who has a history of drug-related charges. In this case, however, no charges were filed against him.

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