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Body found in Bandeyri Koshi suspected to be of released convict

The deceased has been identified as being 30 year old Hammad Saeed from Gaafu Dhaalu atoll Hoadehdhoo in the Mihaaru report.

14 May 2024, MVT 12:43
Police active near Bandeyri Koshi after the body was discovered yesterday.-- Photo: Hafsee Abdulla
14 May 2024, MVT 12:43

The deceased person discovered in an apartment in Bandeyri Koshi is a man who had been released after being pardoned from serving a 25 year prison sentence for drug related crimes, Mihaaru has reported.

The deceased has been identified as being 30 year old Hammad Saeed from Gaafu Dhaalu atoll Hoadehdhoo in the Mihaaru report.

A source from the island stated that Hammad had been living in Male' with his family. They said that Hammad had an extensive past record in major drug related crimes.

According to them, Hammad had been apprehended from the airport for trying to smuggle in drugs by swallowing packets of narcotics. He had been sentenced to 25 years in prison for the crime, but had received a pardon during 2023.

Police have stated that they discovered the body during a search operation they conducted following a report they had received.

They confirmed that the apartment in which the body had been found is abandoned, and had not been occupied in recent times.

Police have not revealed any further details regarding the death as of yet.

They have neither provided identification of the body, nor reasons behind having conducted the search.

However, Mihaaru reports that the body had been left undiscovered for about three days.

Police have announced that an autopsy will be conducted.

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