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Govt to handover Vangaaru to Thuraakunu

Mohamed Rehan
22 July 2023, MVT 11:37
President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih with locals of Haa Alifu atoll Thuraakunu-- Photo: MDP
Mohamed Rehan
22 July 2023, MVT 11:37

President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has promised to handover Haa Alif Vangaaru to the neighboring local island Thuraakunu instead of developing the island as a tourist resort as per its residents’ wishes.

"Vangaaru, which we listed among the islands for tourist resort development, will be transferred under the jurisdiction of Thuraakunu as per the wishes of the island's council and its people," President Solih said.

President Solih made this affirmation while addressing the public of Thuraakunu during his campaign visit. As the Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) presidential candidate, he is currently touring the islands of Haa Alifu Atoll, following his visits to both Meemu and Vaavu atolls.

The government initially decided on leasing Vangaaru for tourist resort development in 2016, with a lease value of USD 2.8 million.

President Solih said that the decision to hand over Vangaaru to Thuraakunu was made to address land scarcity issues and provide agricultural space for the people of Thuraakunu.

"Our government will not discriminate between larger or smaller islands, whereas the previous governments had neglected Thuraakunu, and excluded it from even the basic facilities," President Solih said.

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