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Maldives Netball team defeats host country India

Malika Shahid
22 October 2024, MVT 16:19
Maldives Netball team
Malika Shahid
22 October 2024, MVT 16:19

Maldives has defeated host country India in the Asian Netball Championship, winning with a lead of seven points.

Maldives secured its victory during the match held yesterday. Maldives scored 55 points, while India scored 48.

The championship is currently ongoing in Bangalore, India.

In their first match of the tournament, Maldives dominated Saudi Arabia with a 61 point victory. However, the team lost their second match to Malaysia, with a score of 64-28.

The Maldives is set to face the Philippines today.

A total of 14 teams are participating in the tournament. Sri Lanka, the reigning champion and the most successful team in the competition's history, has won the Asian championship six times.

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