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Maldivian to begin operations between 3 atolls

Shahudha Mohamed
15 December 2019, MVT 09:05
A Maldivian aeroplane at Velana International Airport (VIA). PHOTO: HUSSAIN WAHEED/MIHAARU
Shahudha Mohamed
15 December 2019, MVT 09:05

National airline Maldivian will begin flight operations between the atolls of Gaafu Dhaalu and Addu, as well as Addu and Laamu, on Sunday.

The airline confirmed that final preparations were underway to begin scheduled flights between these destinations after Minister of Economic Development Fayyaz Ismail announced it last Thursday.

Maldivian's operations are carried out by Island Aviation Service (IAS). Public Relations Manager of IAS Moosa Waseem revealed that scheduled flights will operate between Addu and Gaafu Dhaalu Atoll on six days of the week, consisting of three trips from Kooddoo Airport and Kaadehdhoo Airport each.

Moreover, one weekly flight will travel between Laamu Atoll and Gan Airport in Addu from Sunday onwards.

Previous flight operations between Huvadhoo and Addu had been halted in the past. This marks the first time that flights are travelling between Laamu Atoll and Addu.