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MIB to host guesthouse symposium annually

MIB will be organising the guesthouse symposium annually from now on.

Ameera Osmanagic
11 October 2024, MVT 08:57
Deputy CEO of MIB Ahmed Riza speaking at the guesthouse symposium -- Photo: Fayaz Moosa | Mihaaru
Ameera Osmanagic
11 October 2024, MVT 08:57

Maldives Islamic Bank (MIB) announced today that it will be hosting the ongoing guesthouse symposium as an annual event.

The bank held the Maldives' largest guesthouse symposium at Crossroads Maldives today, where MIB's Deputy CEO Ahmed Riza announced at the opening ceremony, that following dialogue with tourism industry stakeholders, they have decided to make hold the symposium annually.

"This is not our decision. A decision that was taken after discussions with guesthouses," Riza said.

MIB's symposium was well received by the industry, with over 75 participants in attendance and some reporting that they gained new ideas via the event, to promote local tourism.

The also highlighted the importance of such a platform for the sector to flourish more and said that the opportunity to exchange ideas with experts in the field encourages the development of local tourism in more ways.

During the symposium, young creators also shared tools and products that could be used to manage guesthouses. Companies providing various services to the sector were also given the opportunity to present their services and products.

The symposium also included panel discussions on how to run guest houses more effectively in the country, with panelists offering ideas on how to promote and develop local tourism as a cultural tourism industry in Maldives.

The importance of making use of available platforms in this sector and improving the quality of services provided was also discussed during these sessions.

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